Originally Posted by bailau
Originally Posted by Schwendy
Tell them to jump off the boat and swim! That's the point I'm at about now! People, especially new crew going on a bareboat charter for the first time, just don't get how hard it is to plan and how much time and work goes into it! My wife and I weren't even going to go this year for financial reasons but a friend that went before with us came to visit. He met one of our girlfriends and "hit it off" with her! She had been with us once before too so in light of this new romance they talked us into planning a trip this year. Keep in mind this took place months ago in April. Our trip is scheduled for October. Now my "friend" has met a new girl after the other one booked her flights and is all set to go. She is recently divorced and he offered to pay for her whole trip! Now he's doing a dance telling me he still wants to go but wants to bring the new girl! He hasn't committed or paid me or the first girl! Now I'm on the hook for the first girl because she can't afford it and I wasn't going myself because I shouldn't be spending the money right now! On top of it all I have the two other girls now screwing around with their flights and early departure date. Never again! Next time it will just be my wife and I on a dinghy.

I think for the most part newbys and takers think it is Disneyland on water...

With all due respect to your friends, Schwendy, how they get back is their problem. Just tell them they will be at Jost night before and they can figure it out.

With the 514 you can get to home base from pretty much anywhere by 1000. We came from White Bay in May.

They sound like they’re the independent types so let them know your schedule and that it’s their responsibility to find a route back to airport.