Monday, November 18

Enigma day! About 25 folks from a Facebook group gathered for a trip on Enigma to Anguilla. The water was perfect when we arrived for a swim near Cuisinart: warm and not too rough. A wonderful time in the water. Lunch was the normal fabulous spread Neil provides: mahi mahi, ribs, several salads, garlic bread. The paella included calamari, and I can honestly say it’s the first time in my life I had calamari that wasn’t chewy. On the way back, we stopped at Mullett for another time in the water. All in all, a very satisfying day on the water with friends.

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On a previous trip I was talking with Neil about the ingredients in a chicken salad he served. He said the key was toasted sesame oil, which he found difficult to find on the island so I took him a couple of bottles this trip. He thanked me profusely and said he was actually going to take them home and not use on the boat. I hadn’t intended to buy groceries for him, but whatever.

Tuesday, November 19

I met some friends at Les Temps de Cerises for some beach time.

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This facility is a boutique hotel with restaurant and bar attached, next door to Rainbow. We camped out on the beach in front of the restaurant, and it was a lovely morning. I had not seen the water at Grand Case as rough as it was this morning: quite an undertow. Ultimately we went up to the restaurant for lunch, during which a downpour ensued. Bless the beachboy for rescuing our towels before they became sopping wet. The rain was fairly strong and, while it ultimately stopped, we didn’t feel like going back for more beach time after lunch. The food was good but what I chose was not outstanding.

In the evening, there was a fundraiser at Jimbo’s to benefit the “foundation” (not an American 501(c)(3)) started by Jeff Jhangiani of DK Gems called All About a Smile. The purpose for this evening’s effort, organized by Vikki Whiteley, was to provide fresh fruit and vegetables for the coming year to the orphanages on the island. There was a good crowd, and Jimbo provided some munchies. Everyone received at least one raffle prize, and some more than one. I was the lucky recipient of a beautiful photograph by resident Lena May and a gift certificate to Bistrot Caraibes.

Wednesday, November 20

The administrator of the above-referenced Facebook group organized a beach day at La Playa earlier in the month. Several members who wouldn’t yet be on the island expressed disappointment at being unable to attend, so I organized one for today. About 75 percent of those registered showed up. There were a few showers in the morning, but they quickly blew over. Bruno had set aside an area just for our group and gave us a bargain of $5 per person for chair/umbrella. A good time was had by all.

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Lunch was marvelous. I had the bo bun nem salad. The menu states choice of beef or shrimp, but Bruno said he would do one with both for me so that’s what I had. Absolutely yummy.

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I hadn’t intended to have dessert . . . until I saw the menu. The dark and white chocolate mousse was very nice.

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Dinner was at Bar Code at the request of one friend who was leaving the island the following morning. There was live music, and the guitarist was the owner of Bar Code. The trio was comprised of guitar, keyboards, and saxophone. Opening and ending numbers were just the trio, and it was one of the few times I have heard true straight-ahead jazz on the island (“Duke’s Place” and “Centerpiece,” for those of you interested). Intervening numbers included the vocalist Ayan (not sure of spelling), and the music was more soul/pop during that time. I wasn’t that hungry and had a small bowl of vegetarian chili, which was good.

Thursday, November 21

My calendar was open until evening so I took the opportunity to make a nail appointment at Georgina’s in Miss Lalie’s Center on Bush Road. I had not had a pedicure there before. The technician didn’t speak much English, and it took about an hour and one-half. Don’t know that I would recommend her. However, Georgina’s nail fill was as good as always and took only 30 minutes. I would recommend her. She took a picture of my completed nails and posted the picture on her Facebook page.

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I headed back to the Horny Toad to rest up for the strenuous evening ahead.

About a year ago, Jeff Jhangiani invited me to an event at Sylvain’s Select Wine Cellar, which was memorable. I had such a good time that I organized another one myself and invited a combination of island residents and visitors; we had fourteen in attendance. Sylvain calls the event a “wine pairing” with a different wine for each food item presented. There were approximately eight “courses” although I neglected to take pictures of a couple of them. Memorable dishes were mango and scallops, and a foie gras on pumpkin bread. However, they were all noteworthy. A very fun evening with good wine, food, and friends.

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Friday, November 22

After last night, a “down” day was in order so I headed to Anse Marcel with friends.

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I have never seen seaweed at Anse Marcel until my two trips this year; additionally, the water seems a little rougher. On both of my visits so far this trip, the weather hasn’t been warm enough for me to need to get into the water to cool off so I don’t yet know how the water compares to prior times.

I do know that I had the best meal I have EVER had there on this visit. It was a Guinea hen with mushroom risotto in pastry, and poultry leg confit on tart.

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OMG – everything melted in my mouth. This is just an incredibly fine place to dine. And the protected area makes for a nice, relaxing beach day.

Dinner was quiet and close. I went to Sublime where I hoped to have a lamb kebob appetizer that came highly recommended by a friend, but they were out. I opted for fish and chips which, unfortunately, were not remarkable.

Saturday, November 23

Last year, about eight of us had a memorable evening at L’Astrolabe; I think it was a “foodporn” event. The group turned out to be fun and compatible, and we talked about having a “cooking with friends” evening this year. One of the group rented a villa in Pelican Cove that had a fabulous kitchen with huge island, perfectly suited to group cooking. The villa was situated right on the water with gorgeous views.

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We gathered late afternoon. I had prepared my salad at the Toad as it was just easier,

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but assembled ingredients for a chocolate kahlua bundt cake at the villa, baking it during dinner. Jeff J. brought chicken and ribs from a downtown takeout; the potato salad was made by the proprietor’s mother and was delicious. There were several other salads, appetizers, another dessert (mousse), and wine, lots of wine. I kept checking my cake, and the knife kept coming out with ingredients on it. I was finally fed up and took the cake out of the oven, letting it cool for a few minutes. When I turned it over, voila! Perfection! It received rave reviews. 😊

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It was simply a splendid evening of good food and warm fellowship.

Sunday, November 24

I had intended to go to Little Bay to see Divi where I own three weeks in June and enjoy the beach but just couldn’t get motivated. I hung around the Toad and spent time on the beach. I ultimately pulled myself together and headed to the Atrium, where there was a party going on at which I thought Ruby Bute would be displaying her art. I was rewarded by a big hug, and we talked about spending time together soon. She has several new pieces, which I may not be able to resist.

I then headed to Frenchy Ludo’s where I picked a table on the lagoon and was joined by a friend.

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I had a special appetizer, salmon sashimi, which was spectacularly good.

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My friend had pastry-encrusted lamb, a special, which she thought was gamey and a little rich. I had roast chicken, which was fine but not outstanding. Overall, I was a little disappointed as I had an incredible meal there last trip.

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