PRIME MINISTER Covid-19 Update – Dutch side – Schools and non-essential businesses to closed
1. Schools will be closed as of tomorrow, Wednesday March 18, until after Easter Break or longer depending on the situation. Teachers and Staff will work on plans until Friday. Next Wednesday classes for children of persons who perform essential services and students in exam classes will resume if service permits, Ministry of Education will fill in details after meeting with stakeholders.
2. All non-essential businesses will be closed as of today, Tuesday 11.59 pm for two weeks.
3. Only residents with a valid St. Maarten ID will be allowed to travel to St. Maarten until Sunday March 22, as well as persons deemed essential for safety and security who will be granted special permission. No flights to come in unless they are bring in St. Maarten residents and to take passengers out. Returning resident MUST self quarantine for 14 days.
4. Travel database “Timatic” will be updated to reflect the new travel restrictions.