I will be honest - I'm not sure that our trip for next February is going to happen...

This is a different virus than anything we've seen in my lifetime - I was in medical school when we first figured out what HIV was and what was causing AIDS (took a couple of years to figure out why young gay men were dying of odd diseases) - It changed how we approached patients - but we knew how to protect ourselves against it - and it was pretty hard to catch. Frankly, even then I was more 'scared' of hepatitis than HIV - but COVID-19 is MUCH easier to get than either of those.

This particular virus has the infectivity of the common cold combined with the gravity of SARS/MERS (also coronavirii) - It's a 'perfect storm,' if you will - and we do not yet know if people develop immunity after infection - there are scattered reports of re-infection - and without herd immunity, this disease will come and go based on how well we do with social distancing...

All of that to say, be hopeful... yes... but also be realistic. I'd be sad to miss my vacation next winter... but that's not the worst thing that could happen to me.