Just be prepared when all this ends to pay unbelievable air fares. There will be less flights, maybe no selling middle seats, so those “good guys” will be holding all the cards. Remember the reason for the baggage fees was oil at $100 a barrel so they had to charge baggage fees because your bags made the aircraft heavier. Oil has been nowhere near that price in years, did the baggage fees go way, nope, just went up. And let’s not talk about another ripoff, the change fee. I wouldn’t doubt they make more on fees than actual ticket sales. 10 years of record profits and a month after this Covid stuff started they are broke and need billions of dollars from the government for a bailout. I wonder what happened to all those profits. Wasn’t more than a couple of months ago Delta gave all their employees a months pay bonus because of their record profits, very nice gesture. So how did all their money go in such a short time? The airlines get away with anything they want to do and nobody ever questions anything they do, like Congress. Feel sorry for all the employees that will be hurt by this.

Last edited by ARC; 04/29/2020 10:48 PM.