Seems like the government and PM is trying for a 100% covid19 free island forever. This unrealistic policy is putting the island in a much more dangerous position with Social issues, other health issues and severe economic issues more than the virus could could ever cause. The world is opening and sxm still Wants to isolate. Certainly their plan is not to stay closed until a vaccine is in place or make everyone quarantine , which is still no guarantee. When a Prime Minister tells its citizens to plant a garden that’s a worrisome plan. This virus will likely be around a long time ,it’s time to put arrival protocols in place and deal with it so the island can recover with tourists dollars rather than depend on the Dutch for money they don’t want to give or slow to come if ever for good reasons. Fear is the bigger enemy.

Last edited by foreversxm; 06/03/2020 01:51 PM.