Don’t know about any current plans for how the airport will handle its reopening and like you, we had our April 2020 trip cancelled as well.

But I have to say, I thought both our arrival and our departure in November 2019 were easy-peezy compared to many trips in the fully functioning airport. Well, except for the luggage claim area upon arrival, that is. But perhaps due to a midweek arrival and departure, we were both in and out fast and efficiently and we didn’t even depart with First Class flights that trip.

My biggest concern - is the island truly ready for arrivals and has the world as a whole gotten back to a semblance of normal? Then the onus of decision time for returning becomes hard. You want to go - but you want to do so safely. You don’t want to import anything and you also don’t want to bring back anything extra. Decisions, decisions.



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat