This thread could quickly become the old CE Forum and I know Carol will close it some kind of quick, so I will try to walk softly.

The whole shutdown makes absolutely no sense. One party tried to call the other party’s bluff and no one budged. So is it the fault of the one who called the bluff or the one that held firm. Bottom line WE THE PEOPLE are the ones that suffer.

I can honestly say that no one in office today (house/senate/executive branch) will ever receive my vote anytime in the future for any elected position.

Closing the park on island that is 67% is absolutely STUPID. BTW we as taxpayers paid for the use of the mooring balls in 2013 by paying our 2012 taxes. The federal government may be on the fiscal year system, but taxpayers are not. I think every person who has a boat in the VI should head to the mooring balls and every tourist on island should take a snorkel at Trunk at Sunset!

Congressman removes barriers in DC

They cannot even follow their own rules – What a bunch of arrogant…

To the Mooring Balls!

Now I am pushing it – I will stop Carol.

“Every time I open a bottle of wine, it is an amazing trip somewhere!” José Andrés