I agree wholeheartedly with both of you. They are installing more roundabouts here in Ontario, too. I have one I pass through regularly near my home.

After failure to signal, my other major roundabout pet peeve is those who come to either a full or almost-full stop before entering the circle. It is also a single-lane circle and they do this whether the circle is occupied or not!!! It's a "yield" sign, not a "stop" sign at the entrances....grrrr! The whole purpose of a roundabout is to keep the traffic moving as much as possible.

I agree with Carol that the roundabout in Cole Bay has made a big difference in allowing the traffic to flow better and it has helped eliminate the long line-ups. And yes, I also agree with ruralcarrier that some of the small SXM roundabouts, like the one just outside Marigot on the way to Grand Case, are so small as to really just be intersections with a centre marker and really don't warrant any signals, especially if you are proceeding straight through.

I can (and have) made comments on the seeming lack of skills of drivers from certain other provinces and states. However, I have more than enough of them in my home province to keep me busy and make that unnecessary.