I always loved the place and in particular the Zipolite villiage and the people that are there. However, I discovered that there is a pervasive crime ( thief ) elelment in that area because there is a lack of police pressence or enforcement. There were no less than 3 robberies that week alone and 1 was at gunpoint 3 days after ours. They are feeding the tourist element that is unaware of these circumstances and view us as "another batch of victoms" - quote, unquote. Its difficult for the honest residents but until they decide to clean up their community it will continue. They are poor, have very little income, many of them are young and become envious of the tourist ( well to do ) tourists that visit and hence the temptation is too great and hence it is a thief infested area of Mexico - don't go there unless you plan to protect your valuables, computers, cash AND passports every minute of every day. The relaxed manner in which the staff of Hotel Nude took to our unfortunate circumstance goes to underline the lack of care for improving this problem they have. There will be another group of victims to take our place - and thats the culture of the area. I firmly believe that there were 1 or more of the staff that were involved in setting us up and possibly even provided a key to our room as there was no sign of forced entry and it was in and out and done in less than an hour while we were our to get something to eat ( about an hour ).