We can be sad about a great many things, but the health and welfare of our loved ones can still be in the forefront of our thoughts and actions. Why anyone in the US would expect the PM or lackeys in BVI government to be especially concerned with anyone outside their voting/donating constituency is mostly a mystery to me. What's happening right here in the US ?

I know it has been said many times that this is a pandemic, meaning every part of the planet is affected. When everyone on the planet gets the clue to mask up, keep distance, stay home rather than be exposed to infection, and realize that folks over " a certain age" may be more fragile than we'd like, then maybe we won't have expensive and harsh tourist requirements.

Outside of everyone doing their level best, it's not going to get better for anyone, no matter how much money you have or how many days, weeks or months you want to vacation. That's a result I'll really be sad about.