Look for Polo Beach parking on the right side of the highway, before you get to the polo fields. There is a public beach access trail from Farrington Highway to the beach. The walk in is about 1/4 mile, smooth and flat. There is barbed and livestock wire on both sides that corral the horses boarded there. The parking is on both sides of the highway and wide enough to be safe. I've had no issues while parked there but of course, don't leave anything inside your car to tempt anyone.

Once you walk to the end of the trail and hit the beach, turn right and keep walking. I walked approx. another 1/4 mile to where there was a nice swimming area between the rocks and coral. The beach goes on to bend to the right, into a bay like area. I've never explored down that far though.

Polo is not a very populated beach. The most other c/o users I've seen on a visit was about thirty which is a lot from what I've heard. The other two visits had me sharing all that beach with only a handful of people and one day it was all to myself for most my visit. Just a fisherman or walker passing by.

So, don't expect large crowds but do enjoy the gorgeous scenery and relaxation! The skydivers overhead make for very fun spectating as they drift down to the airfield just up the road. (I've jumped with Sky Dive Hawaii three times and highly recommend them!)

Take snorkel gear and get an up close view of Nemo and his friends. There are always turtles around and they like to hide under the coral out croppings so look for them but don't touch! That is illegal!

Be prepared to pack in all you think you'll need and make sure to pack out all your garbage plus any extra you find. Most of all: ENJOY!!

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!