Originally Posted by Dorothy
Hi, going thorough moorings in late April , I have heard that they discouraged tourist from shopping in person at groceries stores ? Does anyone who has recently travel to BVI know? Also are the mooring fields busy , would you recommend reservations. Also restaurants,, are they open in Bite, cane Garden bay, Scrub island , Bitter end. Anegada? And finally anyone been tested in Anegada ?

Shopping on your own upon arrival is not discouraged, it is a violation of quarantine subject to major fines. Mooring fields as of early February when I was there were almost deserted. The restaurants in the Bight or any where else can only be visited after clearing quarantine on day 5. You are not allowed to moor in the Bight until after quarantine. They have been reportedly delivering food to Benures bay after radio or telephone orders. Saba (not Scrub) Island is still under construction, but may open in the relatively near future. Bitter End is still under construction. Check their website. In my experience, many Anegada restaurants opened if there were customers.

Last edited by FRANKIE2; 02/24/2021 09:56 PM. Reason: error in identification of construction and closing