Wednesday - 4/21

Can’t believe a week has gone by already.........

Got up around the vacation time norm of 6:30. The sun was shining through the haze of what I’m told is Sahara Sands mixed with the tail end of the St. Vincent volcano ash. Don’t know this as fact but it sounds reasonable to me. All that and more - we still have some Sargasso seaweed floating in on the pounding waves this morning, but thankfully, not as much as we had a few days last week. No complaints here and it sure beats the weather reports I’m hearing from CT. And the waves? They were sure slamming the beach this morning. As much as I’d like to go in the water here, it’s definitely NOT happening.

We pretty much hung out here because it looked like it might rain but we finally went out to do an errand and grabbed a quick lunch at Fat Tony’s. J had a bucket of wings and I had a hot dog. Doesn’t sound like much of an island lunch, does it? His was the better choice as the hot dog, while very tasty by itself, was ensconced in a thick and huge bun which I didn’t enjoy at all. The hot dog - a foot long, no less - gets a thumbs up but the bun, not so much.

And on the way back it started to rain. Not just a little rain but a huge heavy down pour which sent the bathers scurrying off the beach at Maho, at least for a bit.

We spent the afternoon here and didn’t even go out to dinner. Had to empty out some of those refrigerator potential reheats. Early to bed and all that good stuff...........



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat