Someone arriving at the airport a week ago asked what happens if someone was positive. That is the answer they got. I would love a definitive answer. If there is a chance of getting caught in this we will pay for private transportation. This was also on the BVI news Page.

Another visitor, Jeremy McGranahan, complained that he and his personal travelling party have been forced to undergo and quarantine period of 10 to 11 days because someone outside of his travelling party tested positive for COVID-19.

McGranahan said his grievance about the mandatory quarantine order was that everyone who was in his group tested negative.

“Like I said, we (seven of us) had tested negative on all our tests, received our email of clearance, went to the police station [and] turned in our stuff and had bracelets cut off, then received a call saying someone (not in our group) tested positive so we had to go back on quarantine for another 10 days,” McGranahan said.

“I REPEAT, DO NOT take a ferry! You’re counting on all those people to test negative; not just your group,” he warned.

BVI News sought a comment from Minister Malone to clarify whether this is indeed the protocol. However, the minister did not respond to our news centre’s call or WhatsApp message up to publication time.

It remains unclear whether steps have been taken to remedy the situation.

Last edited by GeorgeC1; 05/20/2021 08:00 AM.