We went to Sun Pharmacie in Marigot. $40 each. First checked in at the store about 9:30. Told to go to metal door down the street at 11:00. They give you a number. It gave us some time to go to Marigot market and get souvenirs for the grandkids. The metal door seriously leads into what looks like a dumpster area with a little tent. They start calling numbers and testing at 10:00. Returned about 10:45. Waited in line in sun until our numbers (59 & 60) were called. They swab, tell you to come back in 20 min. You get a paper that you then take back to pharmacy and they print results. We were done by about 11:45.

Would I do this again? Yes, but I would arrive at Sun Pharmacie at 8:00 when they open to have one of the first numbers, go to breakfast, and then return at 10:00 for test.