Sure glad this was just a hoax or a poor practical joke.

However, I will go on record saying there are some establishments that just do not belong in certain places

[Linked Image]

The McDonalds at the base of the Rock of Gibraltar is totally out of place.

The KFC as you exit The Great Sphinx of Giza also falls into that category.

Maybe one day a Walmart could be located next to the Lincoln Memorial. The tourist on the mall may love it.

But each one of the examples cited, real or imaginary, are not in character to the place.

STJ, for the most part has been able, to defend itself from the large chains (Hotel, Food, timeshare companies, etc...)that have overrun many of the islands.

McDonalds would be the harbinger of things going bad.

of course IMHO...

“Every time I open a bottle of wine, it is an amazing trip somewhere!” José Andrés