No rain to start another day and a little less wind saw many yachts leaving yesterday morning. We were told several had stayed longer than anticipated due to the heavy winds and getting out the bridge opening. Bill and Mort did a little island tour while I headed to Driftwood for a couple of foo-foo drinks and a little people watching. I saw shocked when I was able to park right in front. The beach was rather busy at 11:00 and the food orders were starting to come in but nothing overwhelming.

We had agreed to go to Navy Beach on Snoopy Island at 2:00. Bill and Mort had gone the other day and wanted to experience it again. You have to show an ID to enter the private Yacht Club Isle de Sol, they note your vehicle license and you can proceed. A very energetic bartender named Kaylee took care of us. Prices are a little higher than elsewhere but when dealing with the mega-yacht group, I doubt it matters. Beer was $5, wine $9 and their limited menu small and large plate offerings were also a couple of dollars higher than most other places but not way out of line. We spent a couple of hours there and enjoyed the setting and conversation. I would go back. They also have a pool guests can use and several were taking advantage of that. 15% SC added to total bill.


A stop at Lee's for HH and Bill and Mort each having fish and chips. They looked really good and to my surprise, tiny little Mort ate her entire service of fish. I walked up the hill to Isola as their pizza was calling me again. Lee's (no SC) was not busy but it was early. Isola (15% SC) was picking up when I left to make the walk back down the hill. Wearing flip-flops was not a wise choice.

I was in for the evening as I am having to help deal with a couple of issues at home. Bill and Mort went to BBB and were in pretty early as well.

One thing I neglected to mention in a previous report. While walking to SMYC on Saturday, we noticed a large police presence just before Captain's Rib Shack. It seems they were doing a control for window tint and were serious about it as at least 2 cars were having their tint stripped off as we were passing and I am sure others were forced to do the same. Some unhappy people, I am sure.

The same night there was a lot of police traffic going over the draw bridge that resulted in multiple opening and closings that were due so perhaps some emergency. I have yet to read a Daily Herald so I have no idea was it was about but it was a major disruption at the bridge.

Probably one last day at Mullet today as they days are winding down rapidly.

Another personal observation, it seems to me the average daily cost of a day on the island has probably doubled in the past 10 years. I seldom eat breakfast, perhaps a pastry once in a while, the same for lunch (almost never) but a decent dinner, usually with wine and often a dessert. While I have tried some new places (nothing high end) and some of my standby places it is costing me about double what I would have paid 8-10 years ago. This is not taking into account the cost of air (for me) is easily up 50% with crap connections and choices. Lodging seems to be up a little less, but we have lost some of our connections to timeshare rentals due to owners walking away. I got a price on a rental at Royal Palm (renting directly from them) and it was about 35% higher than what we have paid when renting from owners. It is not near as economical as it once was.

Today, Monday, seems to have a little less wind but still a substantial wind, overcast right now and it looks like it could rain at any time. Hopefully it clears. The schedule was showing 5 ships in port today. There is a Royal Caribbean ship that has been anchored off Simpson Bay for several days, it left but now appears to be back. I can clearly see Anguilla but Saba has not been seen much.
