Years ago I sailed Jeannius (thanks again Mike) from Martinique to BVI, clearing in and out of 5 countries enroute. I had prepared a self-made form containing all the passport information of each crewmember, it was readily accepted in each country, stamped the passports, paid whatever and wished me a good day. Then, after an overnight passage from Antigua we pulled into JVD, sent the crew off to Corsairs for breakfast and I went to C and I. They made me fill out a form for each crewmember, containing the exact info as my form, then stapled my form to theirs. Sent me to another room, I guess Customs, and filled out a variation of the first forms and paid 70 cents - I guess it was $.10 per person!

The whole thing took so long my crew came back after having breakfast to see what had happened to me. I had spent more time checking in to BVI than in all the other 5 countries combined.
