We went in July 2018 and while the devastation was still in evidence, that isn't my main memory. Rather the positive attitude and resilience of the people was amazing. We talked to a cab driver who had lost his cab and also had a boat in his front yard. He was grateful to be alive and very much getting back to a normal life. There was a lady at Leverick whose house had been destroyed but yet she was living in a tent on the slab and positive about how things were better. On Virgin Gorda we passed a school building that was being rebuilt with the help of a group of young people from the states.

There were countless stories we encountered in our 10 day trip but I don't recall a single person bemoaning their fate. Their faith had pulled them through and they were looking to a better future. Of course Covid hit soon thereafter with its own devastating impact on their country but we saw the same positive attitude in our July 2021 trip.

Louis from Houston