Boarded our Aegean Air flight back to Athens at sunrise. Incredible service for our 45 minute flight. chocolate filled croissant ..yummmy .

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Our Greek Sail flotilla had arranged the taxi to the port then the ferry to Poros.
All went off without a hitch and pulling into Poros port in no time. what a cute little spot! S/V Ted is our girls name....weird name for a boat I think but she was a nice 2014 Sun odyssey Jeanneau. Ward found his way around the systems in no time since our boat in the BVI is also a sun odyssey .

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Explored this gorgeous little fishing village with its toy like boats and tiled roof buildings for awhile then settled on lunch at Apagio just down the dock from our boat fleet .

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The couple who own and run this place are amazing. Elizabeth sits at your table to explain the menu and Spiros waits tables. what a team and the food was to die for. If you go to Poros eat here and order the lemon feta then the slow roasted lamb.

Got all settled aboard Ted ,did our provisioning , drinks in the cockpit and called it a night. can not wait to sail in the Aegean in the morning ...
