Off the dock we go early .Cant find much wind to sail but a school of dolphins found us.....so cool. The water is spectacular.

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Can't tell where the sky stops and the water starts. it was unbelievable. Sat on the bow in marvel of my surroundings for a good hour The depth sounder says almost 2000 feet of water..wow

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Leonidhion is so pretty nestled in the valleys of majestic colorful mountains.
Explored this sleepy town for a bit...we are the only boats here so all tavernas are eager for our business for dinner. A very relaxing swim at the beach with some rock collecting. The most amazing green, pink, yellow smooth rock treasures .. like we were digging for gold. Can't wait to make jewelry from these !

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All cleaned up for dinner and decided on Dolphin Taverna . OMG hilarious...Mr please please, sorry sorry thank you thank you beckoned us into his family run restaurant through the back door on our stroll.
No menu here, come to the kitchen , I show you what's cooking....literally.
this was a truly family run spot. Ladies were preparing food. Teens were clearing and organizing and the guys waited tables. our waiter , likely the father , was fantastic...a thick bushy moustached man made for Greek postcards. ..

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. And funny...after dinner was served he says....you eat and like or I kill myself....maybe ya had to be there but we are still laughing over this.....stop by if you ever visit this place. great food and even better entertainment.
another fabulous day had by all....tomorrow the old capital city of Greece Navplion
