Sunday November 6 – It’s windy and the sea is rough today, but it’s not raining and the sun is making an occasional appearance. I was able to take a small walk around Maho. The building at the former Cherie’s looks very nice, but the beach area near Driftwood is pretty much all rocks. It will be interesting to see the tourists there when 3 cruise ships are in port one day this week. I wanted to walk in the Beacon Hill area, but couldn’t get past “the lake”.

Lunch was at Yvette’s. They’re clearing the roads of rocks and debris, so traffic was heavy and the commute took 45 minutes. Yvette’s grandson was our waiter today. Marc ordered his favorite dish – St. Martin Chicken and I ordered Fried Snapper. A complimentary and yummy order of 4 Johnny cakes was served before the meals were served The two meals were very good, as always. Yvette's is always a must stop for us. Several minutes before receiving the bill, the skies opened up and poured lots of rain down on the island. With lots of water flowing from the hills and onto the streets, it wasn’t the easiest car ride to Maho, but we made it back safe and sound.

We initially had plans to go to Café Rembrandt tonight, but didn’t want to take a chance with the weather. I was so disappointed, but we will have a few days left to the vacation. Plan B was a visit to Sublime for Happy Hour. “B”, the lovely bartender from France, provided us with excellent service and great conversation. From 5 to 7, Sublime offers two for one drinks and 30 percent off Appetizers, Soup and Salads. I had a delicious drink called La Parfum (Gin, Lemon, Simple Syrup and Basil) and Marc drank Grey Goose on the rocks. For appetizers, we chose Tuna Tartare and Spinach and Cheese Ravioli in a Mushroom sauce. Bread and an olive tapenade were complimentary. The appetizers were excellent. Although the portions were quite large, Marc was still hungry, so we split the Lamb Shank special, which was served with mash potatoes and vegetables. I’m glad we split it, as the portion size was huge. The bill included the 15 percent service charge, but the service provided by "B" was top notch, so we added more $ as a tip.

As we walked back to the condo it starting to rain again. While it is a very short walk, we got drenched. I’ll have to remember to carry an umbrella with us at all times.

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A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.