We have had a great time this week , returning after 6 years
Stayed at Marys Boon which was fun. Not sure all would like the plane noise at 7 am
Went to see Church On Monday band at Red Piano. They were fantastic. Quite a lively crowd . Parking lot being redone so parked at Casino
Lunch at Friars Bay. Water was beautiful. Service slow cause they had a group . And , different from years ago , had to pay for beach chairs even if We had lunch there. Same at Belair but couldn’t remember if they charged last time .
Dinner and music at karakters was so good and convenient too as we could walk to it . Had been to their newer place in Curaçao too
Took the lovely scenic drive to Anse Marcel .
Also went to Grand Case Beach Club and looked out on impressive Creole Rock
One new adventure was the chairlift at Rainforest Adventures. Definitely worth it for the great views across the island and across to St Barts
Dinner at Izi was delicious so thanks for that recommendation
To us the biggest change was the increased car traffic but guess that’s everywhere
We enjoyed our stay , fit a lot of enjoyment in ,and hope to return soon. Like the idea of a few days on Anguilla too.