@Marie -
Those captains are among the best in the world. Even with bow and stern thrusters there is a limit when you have no steerage and wind. What people don't realize is that both the strong current and the wind can make an entry or exit through that narrow passage extremely difficult. Often those big yachts need a certain speed to make it through with sufficient steerage, but someone ahead of them is too slow and suddenly the boat is "behind the curve" and has absolutely no chance of not making contact. Even with a mortal-sized yacht, if the current is with you and the wind is across, you need a lot of speed and if the boat(s) ahead of you it is gnarly to go through. I've had that happen to me before; and I'm not even close to the tonnage/windage of those big boats.

Last edited by Zanshin; 01/13/2023 06:55 PM.

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