Originally Posted by RatmansWife
Tonight is the windiest it's been in the last several months. The open water looked very choppy this afternoon.

We're also getting periodic rain. Saves me from watering my tomatoes and arugula. More of the same forecast for tomorrow, although it is supposed to calm down later in the week.

We returned to the charter base yesterday and it was indeed pretty choppy, but actually a bit better than last Friday where we were motoring into 30+ knots apparent gusts to get to North Sound.

Wind story: loading the dinghy in the Bight yesterday to take my daughter to the Indians, I had the dinghy tied about 8' off the stern. I had a set of fins and booties in both hands intending to toss them into the dinghy.

Standing on the very edge of the swim platform, I was hit with a gust of wind and started to lose my balance. Unable to take a balancing step and slowly going over forward, I apparently chose to take a flying prone leap into the dinghy with both hands full rather than allow myself to fall into the water.

I was surprisingly unhurt and kept my grip on the fins, but I felt pretty foolish, and my wife and daughter's eyes were wide as saucers!

Last edited by MrEZgoin; 02/17/2023 05:58 AM.

M4000 "Lio Kai"