Originally Posted by Volle Maan
I have not used SailClear before. Can you please provide your experienece using it? Thanks

SailClear replaces the old BVI legal-sized form (with 4 multi-color carbon copies) with the vessel manifest and crew/passenger list.

Download the SailClear app. It's straightforward to setup an account. You then enter your vessel information (registration #, hull ID #, owner info, vessel dimensions & tonnage). You also populate your database of crew/passengers (name, DOB, passport info, address). This can all be done from home.

If you don't have access to a smartphone or computer with internet access so that you can submit an Arrival Notification, the BVI Customs office does have a SailClear computer kiosk where you can stand and type in this info (and hopefully you don't have others in front of you trying to do the same).

The app has an Arrivals Notification menu where you enter where & when you are arriving, where you came from, when you plan to depart BVI, and next poet of call, and a brief customs declarations regarding weapons, cash >$10K, tobacco and alcohol. Once you submit you should get a Notification ID number that you'll need to present to BVI Customs in-person.

There is a similar Departure Notification option. You'll need to submit and get your Notification ID before going to the BVI Customs window im person.

Upon entry at BVI C&I, you'll visit their windows in the following order:
- Immigration - provide your passports
- Customs - give them SailClear #. They'll print out hardcopies of your SailClear manifest in triplicate. Sign & date each copy on front and back). They'll calculate your Customs fee.
- Treasury - pay your Customs fees
- Immigration - they keep one copy of your SailClear form
- BVI Port Authority - pay your harbour fee, $1/ft

On departure, visit the windows in this order:
1. Customs. Give them SailClear #. You'll get triplicate copies of forms to sign and date again. They will determine Customs fee.
2. Treasury - pay Customs service fee.
3. Immigration - present passport and SailClear manifest.
Wave good-bye!