Originally Posted by Pyrat Pistol
Love all the recollections and details— thanks all for sharing. Can’t wait to make a little mini-pilgrimage to the old Flamingo Pride next time I’m heading to Flash of Beauty. Duckfat, do you have any other details about that place or how you heard that was the place in the picture?

I’m intrigued a bit by the misspelling of “Caldwood” (and, it sounds to me, like a third syllable) in the Manana lyrics. Anybody know if there’s an inside joke there, or perhaps a deliberate change for copyright/royalties or some such purpose there?

Probably just a misspelling of Callwood. He could have left out references to Steve Martin and Anita Bryant in this classic song. 10 years later (or now), no one would know why he was singing about them.

Last edited by Kmon; 09/12/2023 08:19 PM.