Maybe I’m the exception but we’ve been cruising the Caribbean full time for over 5 years and have entered the BVI probably 10 times during that period. Other than the occasional grumpy or painfully slow person at C&I we’ve not really had any issues. Other than the nonsensical $1 / per foot Harbor fee which I think started last year, the costs aren’t horrendous. I do see people complaining about it costing a lot to check in but that’s usually charter boats which get hit by daily per/person fees.

I find JVD the best place to check in. West end is hit or miss depending on the people working that day. Virgin Gorda was just plain mean the one time I checked in there.

We still find it the best place to take family and friends visiting due to the short sailing distances, the numerous anchorages, and the many bars and restaurants.

It’s not all great however. Don’t get me started on the Boatyball nonsense. It’s a solution to something that was not a problem. It’s also getting harder to anchor since more and more balls are using up the space. The mooring ball cost is one of biggest reason we limit out stays. At $35-50 per day depending on location it too pricey for us.

S/V Toes in the Water
Lagoon 450