Originally Posted by RatmansWife
Carry-ons fit on the newer Silver planes. We have never had a problem with our bags not making it. We check a lot of heavy bags going down, and they have occasionally been a day late arriving, usually on Cape Air. If all our flights are not on one ticket, we plan a night in San Juan.

Last month we tried the new Miami route, which for us reduced the trip to two flights. It was an early morning, but we were on Beef Island by 2:30, with our four checked bags, each 50-60 lbs. A quick taxi to Trellis Bay and we were back!

How wonderful . Was so lovely to meet you last year. We have a friend named Don Murney ( nicknamed cowboy) used to have a beautiful boat Mystery , contacted us to say he was on your island now. Have you run into him by chance?
