Originally Posted by GeorgeC1
I think after the charter briefing there should be a written test. The Moorings tells you many times that the dockmaster monitors channel 12 yet people call on 16 over and over. They hand you a printed sheet at check in with every phone number including the assistance numbers if something is broke.
The real problem is people are chartering and allowed to charter who have little to know experience with larger boats and boat systems.
There are charters out there who are afraid to anchor which is a basic skill and a safety item. I had a boat frantically waiving at me at the dogs once. I tried to hail on 16 with no answer. Came along side and they said they had lost power. I told them to drop anchor. They said they could not as they had lost their engine. Told them to drop it manually and they asked if that was possible. Sent one of our guys over to drop it. They then sheepishly admitted the engine issue might be because they ran over a mooring ball. Sure enough they had line and the ball tangled in their prop.
Another time also at the dogs we were getting ready for a night dive waiting for the sun to set. A boat pulls up to the other mooring ball and grabs it. They then ask us if this is Marina Key! We explain they are a bit off course and they say it’s because their chart plotter has failed. I go over and check they have the breaker on and tell them to try again. He punches the power button quickly and nothing happens. I tell him to press and hold it. Magically it lights up!
Knot Working is the actual name of a boat in the Moorings fleet. I kind of like it!