Breakfast - If you have kids, cereal is easy, get the long lasting milk. We often do breakfast sandwiches; eggs, bacon, cheese on an English Muffin. You can toast the muffins in the oven under the broiler. Some mornings we just have muffins, yogurt and fruit. Trail mix is always a good staple.

Lunch - as other have mentioned, wraps work really well. Bread doesn't last long before it molds. We often have leftovers from dinner that go in the wraps. Sometimes we just have cut up cheese, salami sticks and crackers.

Dinner - We have 11 nights on the boat, we plan 5 on board meals. The rest we eat on shore. Here is menu (most of the time)
Filet mignons, rice and salad
Marinated chicken breast, red skin potatoes and green beans
Marinated pork tenderloin, stove top stuffing and a veggie
Cheeseburgers and pasta salad
Lasagna or spaghetti (in case it is raining and we can't grill), salad and garlic bread


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