I'm looking for itinerary ideas, links to existing itineraries, trip reviews, etc. I am (pending transportation queries) attempting to charter a cat from TMM Feb 22-Mar 1 2015 with 3-5 others. I'm basically doing the planning etc, I've never been to the BVI, or the USVI for that matter. I've got friends in St Thomas working dive shops and just outside running flats charters, but they'll be busy and I don't want to bother them with a ton of questions - plus they dont' spend their time cruising. The group is in their 30s and active, they want to sail a lot, fish if possible, generally play in the water, etc. I'd appreciate any help with reference material from previous trips, trending/appropriate weather considerations for that time of year, or just personal favorite areas and why. I'd personally like to avoid, if possible, areas jam packed with bareboats & cruisers 24/7, for a lot of reasons.

I've never bareboat charted before - so any tips associated with checking out, provisioning, or returning to speed those processes up would be appreciated. I realize that chartering out of the USVI would have provided a lot of ease on the travel front, maybe next time. Right now I'm tackling ticket purchasing and trying to figure out the ferry tricks; I run a water taxi in Alaska, I wish I could just pay a guy to run us over there when we fly in but I understand the immigration/customs issue.

Any advice is welcome, I appreciate the time and consideration.