I know this is one of these subjects on this board that there are some very strong opinions on and I respect that. For us we like to bring some things from home. In my opinion it's very easy, saves money and saves time while on vacation from having to go grocery shopping. I would prefer to see the $20-30 per lb steaks I'm buying.

For things like steak or chicken, we marinade or season it ahead of time, vacuum seal it and freeze it. For things like bacon, we precook it and once again vacuum seal it. On the boat it's easy to take it out and throw it on the grill or prepare a BLT/bacon cheeseburger. Cooking stuff like bacon on boat is just a mess I don't have to put up with.

We don't bring everything but to me there are certain things that makes sense. It all fits in a 12 pack cooler that we carry on or put in a bigger bag to check. Then we use that cooler for our outings, in the back of the boat and on the dinghy.

It's really not a big deal and we still place a pretty big order with Riteway and Ticos for all the other stuff. Last time though they didn't have and didn't deliver some of the stuff we wanted. That was bit disappointing

Also for me, the absolute last thing I want to do is get a cab or walk to grocery store and spend a couple hours of my vacation time shopping. But that's me.