Thanks everybody... I could pack half of what I've got, but I have 3 t shirts, 3 pairs of shorts, and a pair of pants. That's it. I grabbed my goggles, I've got an Aux cord, but it's male on one side and female on the other (I suppose I need a male/male?) good thought on that.
I'm not in Alaska and all I've got with me from my last excursion is a hand held GPS and a spot beacon. I doubt I'll need either, but I'm bringing the garmin out of habit. It's small anyway. Are there tools on board? what's the deal with algae in the tanks? Will I be able to bleed the injectors if I have to? What're the odds I get bouncing around and start sucking snot through the racors? Are these all things I should stop worrying about right now?
All moorings etc are done in cash only right?