Ok guys thanks. I'm starting to think of this as a psychic learning experience. Instead of needing to get there kinda late, quick taxi to CA and a ferry ready to go (straight to RT by the way) to hit my zen, I should be thinking as long as I get there, even if it means taxi rides to Redhook and one to/from West End it's all just a small part of "the trip". Maybe the ferry services exist to teach us to reach deep inside - a not so gentle introduction to Island Time. Yep, I'm feeling better already, hummmmmmmm!

Looks like our arrival "comfort zone" is going to be 3pm'ish and we will rely heavily on Kevin to get it to work. This time we'll just have to get up at 0-dark-thirty to catch our flight and add another $400 for airfare. First world problems.

Life involves risks, take some prudent ones (NOT with the BVI ferries)!