FYI - just to clarify, the official currency in St. Lucia is the Eastern Caribbean Dollar. The Exchange rate is $1US=$2.70EC. $US are widely accepted on the island and some vendors will have prices marked in both currencies. If you see only one price it's probably in $EC. If in doubt, just ask. A quick rule of thumb to convert $EC to the $US equivalent is as follows: Divide $EC price by 3 and add 10%. The result will be very close to actual cost. For example: $30.00EC/3=$10.00 then $10.00 + $1= $11US.

Now, it's difficult to say how much cash YOU will need as everyone's spending/eating habits are different and whether or not you plan on using credit cards or paying just cash.

Here's a way for you to estimate how much you'll probably spend on food. Figure out how much you'd spend if you ate the same number of meals at similar types restaurants (upscale, moderate, fast food, etc.) where you live. Add 30% to that figure and you'll have a workable food budget for your vacation and probably have a little left over at the end of your trip.

As for excursions, figure between $50US and $75US per person per activity.

Yes, there are ATM's around the island. They will dispense $EC.

Hope this helps.