We have used the 444 for two trips. It is very comfortable for 8 people, we have people up front, at the helm and else where. Nobody seems to be on top of each other, everybody can find their own spot. It is easy to sail, the main sheets do require some extra work and thought while tacking but is no big deal.

Need to be careful and not overload the generator, it won't run everything. We would shut off one AC unit and water heaters at breakfast, the dual toaster will send it over the top. Not a bad workaround for a few minutes a day when you have people sleeping in. Or just open the doors and enjoy the morning air.

The forepeak bunks will not fit a full size adult, but is great for storage or kids. It also has a large water storage capacity, I think we could make it all week with no issues but we always refill mid week at Leverick bay. I don't think you will go wrong.