Been wanting to ask for opinions about an interaction I had with one of the women that works in the small grocery store in Trellis Bay. I was going in to empty some trash in the dumpster and when I got there it wasn't where it used to be. So I looked around and noticed she was outside the store so I said hello and asked her if she could tell me where the dumpster was. She replied "I really can't say". A guy sitting at the picnic tables, who I didn't ask because he looked like a landlubber/tourist, told me they were up the path behind some bushes.

I know I'm over thinking this but it was just one of those times that make me say hum. Did she really not know where the dumpster was? Now, I learned that if you are genuinely friendly and strike up a conversation with people (I learned that here BTW) that most of the locals are pretty nice. Because of that I must admit I'm a little perplexed. I am certainly open to the idea that I might have somehow inadvertently broken some cultural norm. If you have any ideas on this I'd like to know (they do seem to move dumpsters around a lot) so this might happen to me again!

Life involves risks, take some prudent ones (NOT with the BVI ferries)!