So glad you discovered Friars Bay - it's long been one of our island favorites and the food at FBBC has always been delicious if a bit on the pricey side. We've never eaten at Kali's but I've heard it's equally good but a little more beachy island style in its offerings.

But Gutside - this truly is an island gem IMHO. Richard's loves seem to be equally divided between his cooking prowess which he told us he got from his Mama and his Nana, and his building abilities and particularly those he's used in building his Gutside Restaurant which always seems to be a work in progress, and he does an awesome job with both. And Lourdes, his wife, usually hovers unobtrusively somewhere in the background, or at least she did on the two visits we've made.

We went with a good sized group one evening and he regaled us with amusing banter, or at least, I thought it was, and on the only other occasion we were there it was a time of quiet island chatter which I thoroughly enjoyed. So very glad you had the occasion to experience a little island time with him. <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" />



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat