My brother is taking his family to St. John next month, and he asked me a question I couldn’t answer. His daughter is a D1 runner who is required by her coach to get in a 14 mile run every day over her spring break. Brother wants to know whether it would be safe for her to run on St. John, and my first reaction was “hell no” (too many blind corners, crazy drivers, rum punches, mongooses etc. etc.). To be fair, however, it’s been over 10 years since I last visited St. John as we’ve migrated to Virgin Gorda for our more recent trips. So St. John experts, is my reaction correct, and, if so, is there a health club with good treadmills she could utilize during the week? (I know what you’re thinking . . . 14 miles on a treadmill while in St. John for spring break sounds even worse to me than chancing the roads). In any event, thanks in advance for any help you can provide, and no, taking a break for a few days and lying to the coach isn’t an option for this kid. She’s a much better person than me.