I just returned from our annual charter with an impressive case of "sea bather's eruption"----developed itchy red maculopapular lesions hours after snorkeling---located mainly in the regions under my bathing suit , but also around the wrists near the cuffs of my wetsuit and on my thighs near the area where the wetsuit ends---nasty rash that has lasted nearly a week----related to thimble jellyfish larva nematocysts which produce a toxin---saw the little devils at monkey point and perhaps elsewhere. my questions are-have any others had trouble with this rash lately?---any ideas where the most questionable snorkeling areas might be, and perhaps most of all, how can the rash be prevented after suspected contact? now that I've had a bad case, I think that I'm susceptible to a more severe case with next exposure----would hate to stop going to paradise because of this---have been going for the past 20+ years.