Except we never quite made it there.

Okay, then......it's Sunday morning and I'm not sure if I should comment on yesterday or today so far.

This morning's sunrise was really more of the same but at the same time totally different because while I can clearly hear the waves crashing in on the beach at Mullet Bay, the sun's reflection on Mullet Pond makes it look as smooth as a mirror - quite a contrast in views. And the haze on the ocean is barely allowing me to make out a nearing cruise ship. And Saba? Saba she be gone from the horizon. At least for the time being, and the hazy sky is preventing me from seeing about the seaweed this morning, if any.

So enough about sunrises.......yesterday was slated to be a shopping day in P'berg, and quite truthfully, anyone who knows me at all, knows that I absolutely hate shopping of any type, so this was bound to be a really 'fun' kind of day.

We left the Towers around 8ish and encountered no traffic at all, even managing to avoid the Simpson Bay Bridge opening, and we arrived at our midtown parking lot destination at 8:25 to be only about the fourth car in the lot. There was at least one cruise ship in town, but the foot traffic from that was minimal at best so we beat feet to the Barefoot Terrace where we breakfasted on freshly squeezed orange juice and real Caribbean French Toast made of all the usual ingredients on sliced baguette as opposed to sliced bread. We can get it that way anywhere but this was delicious and when I asked, they were more than happy to do it that way. Delicious!! We killed almost an hour there eating and taking in a wakening Philipsberg and then chatting with a cruise couple off the ship.

I couldn't drag it out any longer so off to Caribbean Gems we went to say hello to Manu and his son Assan - who, as luck would have it - had just left yesterday morning to attend a wedding in Atlanta - and of course I had to look around for a quick minute. And then on to their other store to see Max and deliver a small gift from CT along with various assorted greetings and good wishes from friends. And finally, down to the real business at hand and my reason for the trip to town - the redesigning of a piece of jewelry purchased many years ago and the discovery that I needed to speak to Manu in the end which means another trip into town next week. Lucky me.....

At this point it's about 11:00 and I'm so done with shopping but I had another mission so I briefly looked in a couple of stores and said the heck with it. So back to the car and home we went, and we were back by noon with nothing accomplished except spending a half day in town without a purchase made. So much for my mission........

Didn't do much the rest of the day - said our goodbyes to a few departing friends and our hellos to a few new arrivals, took a quick swim to find the pool water is like bath water at this point. It's been incredibly hot the last few days, or so it seems to me.

We didn't really feel like going 'out' anywhere special so we returned to Fig for dinner and we received a nice greeting from the owners who assured us there were no large parties going on tonight and they actually thanked us for returning. How nice is that?! To know that your patronage is truly appreciated. This place on St. Maarten has become as familiar to us as our favorite Greek neighborhood restaurant is at home and they've never let us down, food-wise yet. But we're not foodies in the sense so many others are down here - we just truly enjoy the comfortable atmosphere of the place. DH even managed to make room at the end of his dinner for a chocolate mousse dessert.

Back home to a glass of wine out on the balcony - or so we thought. But sadly, the breeze is nowhere to be found and the dreaded moskies are out there for the first time since we've been here. And it was so very hot today I even gave in and turned on the a/c, which I normally don't appreciate .Back inside for a little TV and my book and before you know it, it's off to lalaland to prepare for another SXM Sunday.



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat