I have been down a few times with kiters on board, and am heading down this June with two hardcore kiters in the crew. In the past we had a tough time finding good places to launch. Most of the kiting was in the Gorda sound, although we did kite off of Sandy Cay once. The trick is finding a place for the kiter to launch, as moorages and anchorages that are good for boats are generally not good for kiting. Plus, kiting around a bunch of moored boats in variable winds is probably not anyone's idea of a good time. We are still trying to decide how to maximize kiting on this next trip, while at the same time keeping things fun for the rest of the crew. I am thinking that trying to get them kiting while we are sailing would be optimal. Just trying to figure out how to launch the kites from the boat/water. Of course the bigger challenge is trying to get the kiting equipment down to the islands at a reasonable cost. Any advice on that front? As far as the best locations for kiting, I am thinking Gorda Sound, Anegada, Sandy Cay and Sandy Spit look promising as they all have nice big beaches with exposure to the wind. Other than that, good beaches with good wind that are still accessible by boat are far and few between.


BTW, where are you from and what dates will you be down there?