cruzer said:
To continue with the OP's question, which I was hoping would have been answered by now, I have seen statements here on TTOL that some places continue to offer exchange rates at $1.2-1.3/Euro, despite the relative strength of the USD. That was even happening when the exchange rate was below 1.1:1.0.

So the question is, are there very many places that charge a premium for using Dollars, or are these examples fairly rare. Pony600 seems to have heard that one place offered 1.5:1!

I know I have seen some mentions of poor exchange rates on this board over the past few months, and just wondering how prevalent it is. It might make it worth our while to get some Euros for those places that don't accept credit cards.

The answer is that any place can charge what they want for the exchange. Most places charge the rate of the day or less but not all and what happens today may not be what happens tomorrow. Just ask in the establishment you are buying in then make up your mind whether it's to your advantage to pay in Euros or in US dollars, credit card or cash.