The sad part these days is "reasonable expectation" of privacy and what is reality of privacy are 2 things far apart. With new technology like smart phones, drones etc. privacy is a scarce commodity. EVERYBODY has a smart phone. Many can upload a video as it is taken. So it would be very hard to erase. And with many people taking selfies all day long. How is one to know if the person is taking a selfie of themselves or taking one of another person. Is a person going to go on selfie patrol all day long at the beach? Wouldn't sound like a fun beach day to me. I think these days the best one can do is limit their exposure and keep their fingers crossed.

If you watch the portstmaartenwebcam. That cam doesn't have a zoom lense it must have a telephoto lens because it can show alot of detail on the ships ( even people that far away).

SXM??? Wendell