First off I want to thank everyone for your support over the past few weeks, and thank you for all the love you have shown for my dad. My mom and I have really enjoyed the stories you have shared on Facebook and on TTOL. We are so blessed to have so many friends who care about us.

As some of you know, we plan to take a trip to the BVIs this summer to spread my dads ashes in the Sir Francis Drake channel. We will save some ashes and keep them down in the BVI for the Cat Fight, since there will be some sort of celebration for him then. My mom and I will be going during the summer because I will be in school for the Cat Fight and might not be able to attend, although you know I will try my best to get time off! My dad was so proud of me for going to college, so I need to make sure I still do well. Going in the summer will also allow us to get the ashes to BVI for the Cat Fight, in case we are not able to attend.

So this is where I need help from all you BVI experts. As you can imagine, my dad did 100% of the planning and preparation for the BVI trips and every other trip we ever went on. We don’t have much experience in planning; so we could definitely use some advise.

We would also like to know when all of you will be down in the summer, so we could possibly meet up or hang out. Please let us know when you will be down if you are comfortable with sharing this information with us.

I would also like to thank everyone who I have been in contact with including Laura, who has helped me get on TTOL and get in contact with some of you. Thank you so much for your love and support. I know my dad would absolutely love to see how his friends were so supportive to our family.