Don't be thinking about fishing without a license in BVI waters unless you've got plenty of time to be sitting in Balsam Ghut prison, and several hundred thousand dollars you'd like to give to the BVI government. Plus, the owner of the boat you are chartering won't like having it taken by the BVI authorities and sold out from under him or her.

You need to be on a ball or safely anchored by sunset. If late afternoon is already sunset, stay on the dock and toast your first sunset on the boat, snag a cab and go have dinner, come back to the boat for nightcaps and plan on an early AM start.

What would you do at Norman or Cooper ? Moor, start the dingy, and go ashore, or to the Willy T ... for cocktails and dinner, right ? Tortola is an island, in the BVI's, you are already there.

Should you actually get off the dock by 3, head for Norman over Cooper, many many many more balls in the Bight than at Manchioneel/Cooper. Later in the day, be looking for moorings on the outer edges of the mooring field. Once the sun goes down, actually sets, expect it to be dark within 20 minutes or so, and plan accordingly.

Last edited by Breeze; 04/09/2016 12:34 PM.