Interesting, Patty. We also traveled yesterday, but we only fly usually 2-3 times a year, if that. We have FF numbers with AA but no Globel Entry, KTN or any other trusted traveler status.

Generally speaking we almost always get TSA pre-check with AA and often with JB but with all the talk of recent changes I wasn't expecting it this trip but we all had it at JFK. I'm guessing it was connected to our up front seats somehow since even the granddaughter got it and this was only her second time flying and on a brand new adult passport.

It was nice yet again to go through the speed lane without having to remove any clothes, shoes etc., but alas, every so often the metal detector bells and lights go off for no reason and lo and behold - it means you've been selected for a random pre-check, and of course - I was the lucky one!! No big deal - step into the tube, place your feet on the yellow feet on the floor and raise your arms over your head - stand there for fifteen seconds and your done. No pat downs, though, and EZ PZ you're done! By the time John and Sarah got our carry-ons off the scanning conveyor it was over and done with and we were all good to go. <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" />



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat