Great post. It is really important to remember that most of us are guest in this country.

I believe that Nudity is permitted on the Club O beach for one reason: it makes economic sense. The beach is a huge tourism draw and the collective knows this and has a vested interest in protecting it. As long there remains high level of demand for the naturalist beach experience and limited number of beaches where one can relax and swim nude, Orient will thrive and the government will continue to support it for the economic gains. For those of us who want to see nudity expanded we can do our part by promoting welcoming, relaxing and fun environment. I know that the first time we ventured on to the beach in front of Pedro’s the very first people we encountered were exhibitionists or militant nudist. There was nothing “natural” about their behavior! Very creepy. I was ready to turn around, but fortunately my wife pulled me down the beach where we found the environment that we had hoped we would find when booked our St. Martin vacation. We continue to come back year after year because of this positive environment.